Reasons to hire a Makeup artist (MUA) for your wedding day

Wedding season is around the corner & all the bride to be dreaming and stressing at the same time for the perfect fairytale wedding. With all the hustle & bustle going around the house, we often come across the question whether or not to hire a MUA on your D-day?

Pre Skin Care Routine (rituals) for Bride to Be

The day is almost here! The day you have always dreamt of as a little girl, and you want everything perfect from your wedding outfit to d�cor and other preparations! Amidst of all, you forget to take care of yourself specially your skin as well as your body. As a bride you need to make sure you glow well outside & equally inside too.

Questions to ask your Makeup artist (MUA) hiring for your wedding day

The most important thing a Bride is know how pretty and comfortable she will look on her wedding day. A MUA is a top priority of any bride. But here again, there are some questions you must always ask before hiring a MUA for your big day:


4nxietz in here!!